Paying for School

My ongoing adventures in life and the pursuit of more...

Monday, October 15, 2012


This morning we jumped in.  The lecture was on the “Value of Tradition”.

This morning’s big thought from our Prof Peter, “If you’re a lover of the Bible you probably know it is the history of a people who the Spirit leads out beyond the Word.”  And then we unpacked that for a couple hours which led us all to this conclusion about tradition: “Repeat without repetition.”

Connecting the dots looks like this: the Bible over and over sets up a standard and then calls us out of or beyond that standard of living.  (insert Bible verses here) Not just talking rules but a way of living.  Being Spirit led moves us on to what God is calling us to today.  What counts is knowing what to hold on to and what to let go of.  We need God’s wisdom for how to embrace the old in a healthy way and God’s courage for moving in to the new in the face of pressure to stay the same.

What Should we retain from the past?
Things that are helpful or beautiful
Remembrance of past mistakes

I love that we’ve jump right in to our first heresy in our very first session! 

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