I’ve recently read a couple articles that have me
thinking about perspective. One involved
a seemingly straightforward case of spiritual abuse. It couldn’t have been clearer from the original
article that a pastor was not only being a jerk but he was leading others to
behave in a way that was completely opposite to the gospel. And then, as Paul Harvey used to say on
radio, the rest of the story. Turns out
the black and white original was really full of shades of grey and the lines
were much blurrier than at first glance.
And I was reminded that our interpretation of information is often
filtered through our preconceptions and prejudices. In fact, usually we only see or hear the
things that reinforce what we already believe.
The second article I came across made me wonder about my
own ability, or lack thereof, to lay aside my prejudices and evaluate an
idea. The article was in Christianity
Today and asked the loaded question, “When are we going to grow up?” The “we” refers specifically to white,
evangelical Christianity in North America.
The author, Thomas Bergler, argues that youth ministry over the last 40+
years has led to a present day juvenilization of American Christianity. Bergler defines juvenilization for us in the
article, “Juvenilization is the process by which the religious beliefs,
practices, and developmental characteristics of adolescents become accepted as
appropriate for adults.” From there he
launches into a critique of the contemporary evangelical church and insists
that all the worse characteristics, the most immature of adolescence is true of
the present day evangelical church.
Here’s where I issue some disclaimers, or at least tell
on myself. First, I’m no stranger to
critiquing the contemporary church. Second,
I’ve invested the biggest part of my professional life, to date, in ministry
with and to youth. Third, I am rather
partial to the emerging church – not emergent, which is a whole other animal,
and I think reformation is an ongoing process not reserved exclusively for monks
like Luther or intellectuals like Calvin.
Fourth and finally, given what I consider the earthiness of the Hebrew
faith of which we are a part, I lean towards a more expressive, poetic and
emotionally rich faith experience than the more “serious” one that Bergler
seems keen for.
You can read the article here. It’s long.
Take some time and come back and finish reading this later if you’re up
for it.
Are there problems with the church today? Absolutely.
Were there in the first century?
Absolutely. Was Youth for Christ
to blame? Absolutely not. Immaturity seems to be part of the process we
pass through on our way to growing up.
At any given time I think a local church will be marked by the healthy
mixture in its midst of believers across that spectrum of growing up into
mature disciples.
Bergler, tracing the juvenilization of the church back to
youth ministry of the 30s and 40s writes, “One mid-1940s teenage girl said, 'We
just want to live our own lives. We're not in a hurry to grow up and get all
serious and morbid like older people.' Of course, girls who just want to have
fun make poor saviors of the world.”
Pulling a quote from a teenage girl in the 40s is hardly representative
of all the teenagers following Jesus in the 40s or in any other decade. But it is this attitude that Bergler suggests
is prevalent in today’s evangelical church.
And he suggests it’s demonstrated in rock music worship and lyrics that
sound like Jesus is our boyfriend.
I so thought the worship wars were over.
First, to equate rock music with immaturity staggers the
mind. I’ve always enjoyed a good
Gregorian chant but is that more mature or grown up than rock music? Bergler even goes after the volume at which
the music is played as another sure sign of immaturity. Arbitrary to say the least. Perhaps he does better in the book but if
this is an example of his reasoning and support of his thesis I’m completely
confused why a book like this would get published today other than to appease
the ultra-conservative market that would definitely line up to purchase this
Second, while I may not care for some of the lyrics of
contemporary worship I can also make a list for you of some horrible hymn
lyrics that fail massively both theologically as well as musically. But let’s be fair, the Hebrew prophets
definitely used the “God as our husband” motif and the New Testament writers
didn’t shy away from “Jesus is our bridegroom” language. Were either being immature? Maybe.
But I think probably not. I
cringe by times at the empty lyrics that a popular new song contains or the
lousy theology but isn’t this part of growing up? Aren’t some of us always passing through our
immaturity on our way to maturity? Paul
doesn’t suggest new Christians stop drinking milk, he just wants the mature
Christians to move on from it.
As long as we have churches that give cars away to spike
attendance we will have to own and accept that we have a great deal of
immaturity in the church. And in some
churches the proportions are probably dangerously out of balance with the
immature leading the way instead of the mature.
But the presence of the problem doesn’t support Bergler’s thesis.
This is just the article and not his book but I found it to be full of
problems in content as well as bad reasoning.
I think it’s a shame to try to lay blame for positive reformations in
the evangelical church rather than give recognition. Youth for Christ and youth ministry in
general has made and continues to make a positive contribution to helping young
people grow up and mature into fully devoted followers of Christ. I’ve seen more young people bring friends to
Christ than I have adults, more go on missions trips and outreach and service
projects than I have adults and more participate on spiritual retreats, camps
and conferences in order to grow than I’ve ever seen evangelical adults. Our problems may be real but I think they
have more to do with embracing our culture than embracing our youth.
For more, check out Scot McKnight’s review of Bergler’s
book which I wish I’d come across first!
I’ve got a lot to learn but I’m pretty sure blaming youth
ministry for an immature church isn’t one of them.
And to prove I'm mature I didn't include a single reference to Thomas' older brother Ham in this entire post.
Groan!!! Ham burgler! (Just wanted you to see that someone read the post through to the end).
ReplyDeleteIt must be wonderful to be so knowledgeable that one can write, with authority, magazine articles about the condition of the entire evangelical church...and to be so mature that one has in oneself the entire definition of mature.
I'm old...no getting around it at age 67...but I have reached an age that allows me to question my own maturity and even more question the maturity of someone else who makes that claim. As the saying goes, "You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature all your life."
In the last few decades I have come to question the claims of the horrible state of the world and the church, as though we have something never seen since the start of the church age. "The rapture (or the great tribulation) is immanent and any true Christians had better get ready." To me these folks are willingly ignorant of the situation of the early church...Rome was not a benevolent government and there wasn't even a hint of freedom of religion or equal justice for all. Dying for one's faith was not an abstract concept and yet the church grew. If the Lord preserved it then, I have confidence He can preserve the church today.
Good observations Tom, thanks! If God take care of us then we're in pretty big trouble!