How do you make decisions?
I’ve been trying to decide what comes next in my education. Do I take a break and get my feet under me in
our new church, city, home and job or do I keep rolling with the master of
ministry program I am enrolled in? Honestly, I was feeling overwhelmed at the workload ahead.
how I decided. I spent a week decided
that I would take a break. I listened,
reflected and listened some more. I
listened for God’s voice but I also listened to how that decision was landing
on my own heart, mind and spirit. Then I
spent a week decided that I would keep going and do the last of my 4 modules in
March. And I listened, reflected and
listened some more.
Ultimately the decision that I felt the most peace with was
the decision that would take the most out of me.
I'm taking on this next module in March and
with lots of grace I’ll be able to get the work done for that and do my job and
see my family as well. This was the
decision that felt settled and certain.
Not going is an easier choice but nothing about it left me feeling
So now the reading list cranks up and my head gets jammed
packed again and my fingers type like crazy and I move closer to completing a
long term goal.
Making decisions can be hard work. Acting on those decisions even harder.
I’ll be posting some of my discoveries, favourite quotes and
progress reports here over the next few months.
As always I only can get by with a little help from my friends. If you’d like to contribute to Educating
Brian there are details over on the side bar.
I’m deeply indebted to the kindness and generosity of all of you for caring
about what I’m up to and sharing this adventure with me.
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